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Monday 8 January 2018

Chemo Round 5

8th January

Today I am back in hospital for round 5. Six weeks after round 6 I will have surgery to remove what is left of the lump! and then once I have recovered from that I will start 8 more cycles of clean up chemo to get rid of any bad cells that are floating round my body which isn't meant to be as bad.
So far I am still not feeling sick and I am still eating. The new antisickness is still working!!!!

16th January

Today I turned 11!!!!!!!

22nd January

I went to school every day last week (half days). Today I was ready to go again until school rang up and warned us not to come in because  there is a sickness bug going round. So we went for a dog walk instead!!!!!

One of he side effects is joint pain. I have had sore hips since Saturday night so didn't walk too far this morning!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the birthday pie Sally 🎂
    Enjoy reading your blog, you really are doing amazing 😘
