On Thursday morning I woke up not feeling too good after waking up a few times in the night feeling really hot. We took my temperature and it was 38.2*c. We had an appointment at the Christie to discuss radiotherapy and I started to feel a bit better although my temperature was still high.
We decided it would be best to ring the hospital to see what to do. Dr. Brennan said she wanted me in. We had to go through A&E but got stopped at the door and had to wear a mask. We went straight through to Ward 75 in an isolation room. When the nurses came in they had to wear aprons and masks! We weren't allowed any visitors and neither myself or my Mum were allowed out of the room! My Dad decided to come to the window instead!
I had a blood test and was tested for Coronavirus! We weren't allowed to go up to Ward 84 like usual until my Coronavirus test came back within 24-48 hours.
Within 24 hours my blood test came back and I was neutropenic, my neutrophils were at 0.2 but should be at 1.5-7. But still no results back from the Corona swab.
36 hours after being tested (at 4am) the nurse came in and said we must leave the ward straight away for our own safety because the Coronvirus test had come back negative! What a relief!
We were in bed on Ward 84 by 5am. Also because my temperature had stayed down so I could go home that afternoon!
I also hit 8k followers on TikTok @sallycancer
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