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Monday, 30 March 2020

Another Temperature!

On Thursday morning I woke up not feeling too good after waking up a few times in the night feeling really hot. We took my temperature and it was 38.2*c. We had an appointment at the Christie to discuss radiotherapy and I started to feel a bit better although my temperature was still high.

We decided it would be best to ring the hospital to see what to do. Dr. Brennan said she wanted me in. We had to go through A&E but got stopped at the door and had to wear a mask. We went straight through to Ward 75 in an isolation room. When the nurses came in they had to wear aprons and masks! We weren't allowed any visitors and neither myself or my Mum were allowed out of the room! My Dad decided to come to the window instead!

I had a blood test and was tested for Coronavirus! We weren't allowed to go up to Ward 84 like usual until my Coronavirus test came back within 24-48 hours.

Within 24 hours my blood test came back and I was neutropenic, my neutrophils were at 0.2 but should be at 1.5-7. But still no results back from the Corona swab.

36 hours after being tested (at 4am) the nurse came in and said we must leave the ward straight away for our own safety because the Coronvirus test had come back negative! What a relief!

We were in bed on Ward 84 by 5am. Also because my temperature had stayed down so I could go home that afternoon!

I also hit 8k followers on TikTok @sallycancer

Saturday, 21 March 2020


In the hospital, on Tuesday we were told that anyone who is going through cancer treatment their siblings shouldn't be going to school. So Milly Didn't go to school on Wednesday but we still thought it was a bit silly to let Milly come near me after going to school and could have possibly picked something up. So we decided for Milly and Dad to live in the caravan for 7 days just in case. Mum and I stayed in the house as Mum has had to stop work.

The following Tuesday, they hadn't shown any symptoms and were feeling fine so they could come back into the house!

Chemo Round 3

We were first in outpatients this morning for a blood test to see if my bloods were high enough to start chemo. I had my height and weight done and I have put weight on! 
I passed my blood test and started chemo on Monday and finished on Friday. 
On Tuesday we were told we had self isolate for 12 weeks due to the coronavirus.

Monday, 16 March 2020

MRI Scan

After every 2 chemo's I have an MRI scan to see if the chemo is working. I had it on the Saturday before starting chemo on Monday. We got the results on Monday and my Tumour has shrunk Significantly!!!

      After two chemo's                  Before chemo

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Dance show!

At school, each year we do a dance show. We start rehearsals in September, so I had been to most of the rehearsals. I really wanted to do it but because of the Coronavirus, we weren't sure if it would be a good idea for me to be in the same room as a lot of other people. We emailed school and they suggested for me to be in a separate changing room with a couple friends.

I felt well enough so I ended up doing the show except I left the finale because it gets too crowded in the stage wings. I was in six dances! We had two dress rehearsals on Monday and Tuesday and a show on Wednesday and Thursday and two shows on Friday! I was very tired after all that!

We also fundraised for a charity called Milly's Smiles. Milly's Smiles is a cancer charity in memory of Milly who was treated at the same hospital as me but unfortunately lost her battle in 2015. Milly's family set up the charity and their aim is to provide every newly diagnosed child with a welcome bag containing everything they need for the first few days and weeks of their hospital stay. We ended up raising over £1,200 for them!

A special thank you to Philip Barren of Castus Solutions LTD for their very generous donation!

 Image result for milly's smiles welcome bag

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Week after 2nd chemo

Last time after finishing chemo on the Monday, I got a temperature/virus on the following Friday, because of this, I have had to start having GCSF injections to boost my bloods and make it less likely for me to pick up any infections. I've had them before but this time I have to have one every day for 12 days.

I was also planning on going to school the Monday after finishing my second round of chemo on the Friday but because of the Coronavirus, we decided it wasn't worth risking because I am very vulnerable to catch it.

Instead of going into school and getting an infection, we have been looking into getting a robot which can be controlled to walk around school and do a video call so I can control it from home and be in class but not actually be in school. 

We were going to look into fundraising for one but the school have order one!