Tuesday 3rd July
Today I danced at the Lancashire School Games at Stanley Park in Blackpool. Here is a video of me dancing.
Wednesday 4th
As I am starting Parklands High School in September, today was my Induction Day. I did a full day there and I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to start in September! Before I went I had a big decision to make..... wig or beanie hat? Eventually, I decided to just wear my beanie hat as in September I will have to take my wig off anyway for PE and why pretend to be somebody I'm not?
I was very tired after a full day but no time to stop as I had to go straight to the hospital for a blood test for chemo. After a blood test we went straight home because I have Guides on a Wednesday evening.
Thursday 5th
This morning we had a phone call informing us that I had failed my blood test so no chemo this week, try again on Monday.
Friday 6th
This morning I woke up with a headache and a temperature of 37.4. Luckily it wasn't high enough to be classed as an infection. Throughout the day I felt tired, had a headache and my temperature kept going up and down. At one point it got to 37.6! If it gets to 38 I have to get admitted into hospital! The problem was it was my school play that nignt so I had to let school know if I was well enough to do it or not. In the end I had some paracetamol and did the play. Afterwards I was glad I took part.
Saturday 7th
Today it was Adlington Carnival. As I was still really tired I did it in my wheel chair. I still really enjoyed doing it though. I did it with Guides and the theme for us was "jobs women couldn't do 100 years ago" so I dressed as someone from the army.