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Tuesday 28 July 2020

Scan Results!!

 On Friday I had my MRI scan to determine whether I will need more treatment. I vlogged the whole day of having my scan and getting the results for my YouTube channel. If you would like to watch it click on this link: MRI Scan + results Sally Cancer YouTube 

Also, whilst you're there, please subscribe to my YouTube channel (Sally Cancer) by pressing the red subscribe button. This is completely free. was Monday morning - the day we had all been waiting for. Our appointment was at 9am. Covid restrictions meant only one parent was allowed per patient but because it was a very special occasion my dad was allowed to come in but just for the appointment. We ended up having to wait two hours to see my oncologist! 

When we walked into Dr.Brennan's office my scan picture and my previous scan picture were on her computer. One picture had a white circle on and the other didn't (a tumour shows up as white). I instantly panicked when Dr.Brennan pointed to the one with the white circle and said it was the most recent one. I started to think it was starting to grow again. After that, the rest of the appointment is just a blur to me.

When we came out my parents were talking about how amazing this news was! I was so confused! It took me all day to get my head around it. 

The white circle which I saw was not a tumour is was a burn from the radiotherapy which I had. We do not know if that burn will ever get better but it doesn't affect me in any way and I can move my neck perfectly fine and I am pain-free. 

The AMAZING news is that my cancer has gone and I am CANCER FREE!!!

Saturday 11 July 2020


 This week was my last ever chemo (hopefully)! 

Depending on my scan, after this one, I will not need any more!

This was my favourite bed where I spent most of my chemo days!

Saturday 4 July 2020

Two weeks off!

I have had two weeks off treatment in between chemo!
The first week I was still quite tired but I started eating a bit more as my throat is a lot better and I am not on any painkillers for it!
The second week was my sister, Milly's, birthday!!! Obviously, we couldn't have a party but we individually invited family round with different time slots for a social distancing party!

I also managed to catch up with some school work as I haven't been well enough over the last few weeks. 

I made a sugar free cake for Milly as well! (Since sugar feeds cancer I am on a sugar and fat-free diet)

Saturday 20 June 2020

Chemo Round 7

I had four days to recover after finishing radiotherapy and then I started my seventh round of chemo.
I could not believe how tired I felt this week. In the hospital, I did lots of arts and crafts to keep my mind off it.

After this week I get two weeks off treatment so hopefully, I don't get a temperature and have to come to the hospital again. I can't wait!

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Ringing the radiotherapy bell!!!

Today was my last round of radiotherapy, I have had 25 rounds altogether.
So after I had finished I got to ring the bell. It was such a relief because it made my throat so sore and now it can eventually start healing.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Sore Throat

After six rounds of radiotherapy, I started getting a sore throat which was expected because of where my tumour is. I mentioned it at the hospital and the nurses gave me some gel mouthwashes, which seemed to help. By 15 rounds my throat was getting worse and I was struggling to just swallow water! I was given paracetamol and some oral morphine which helped with the pain but just made me sick after everything I ate! I struggled through it, trying to stay at home but eventually, I had to go to the hospital because I could no longer eat or drink anything and the pain was so bad!

At the hospital, I was put on a slow-release morphine drip which had an effect after about 30 minutes! I could actually eat my tea! Milly made tea, brought it to the hospital for us and had tea outside my window!

On Monday morning I had my usual 10am appointment at The Christie for radiotherapy but because of the drip stand the morphine was on we couldn't just go in the car. Instead, we went in a transport ambulance with a nurse to look after my stand. I have a blood test every Monday and Thursday. When the results came back, my blood was low so I had a blood transfusion overnight.

On Tuesday morning we did the same. However, on Tuesday evening, they took the morphine down and gave me an oral, 12-hour painkiller called Oxycodone. Which made it easier to do my online dance classes! 

By Wednesday morning, my pain hadn't got any worse but I needed another blood transfusion. Once it was finished, I was able to go home Wednesday evening! 

I was back just in time to do my online tap class!

Saturday 23 May 2020

Chemo Round 6

Today I started what should have been my last chemo. However, because I have to wait 6 weeks after radiotherapy before I can have a scan I have to have this round of chemo plus two more rounds as well because after I've had 8 rounds it will have been six weeks so I can have a scan. The scan will determine where we are up to and whether I need any more chemo or not.

This week has been a very busy week because I have had chemo and radiotherapy every day.
On Monday morning we went to the Christie where I had a blood test to see if my bloods are high enough to have chemo (luckily they were) and then I had my radiotherapy. We then had to go to the children's hospital to see Dr Brennan and have my chemo.
We did this every day
 and by Friday we were all so glad it was over!

Thursday 7 May 2020

First Day Of Radiotherapy

Today I started radiotherapy at the Christie. I am having it every day, except weekends, for 5 weeks. So overall I will have 25 rounds.
I had to lie on the bed for about 15 minutes whilst they did the it.
Afterwards, I had a blood test and I will be having a blood test every Thursday and a meeting with the doctor.
When we got home we got a phone call saying that we need to come back to the childrens hospital because my bloods were low and I need a blood transfusion.
Six hours later, it is now 9pm, and I am still in the hospital and due to finish in about 10 minutes. Then I'll be able to go home!!

Friday 1 May 2020

Chemo Round 5

We weren't sure if I was going to pass my blood test this time because on Sunday I was very tired and didn't feel well. We had to ring the ward. Maybe I needed a blood transfusion? We decided I'll be alright and see how it goes tomorrow.

Monday morning came and I passed my blood test! Chemo went fine and I hardly had any side-effects. 

On the Saturday before chemo, I had an MRI scan to see if there was any further shrinkage. We hoped to get the results on Monday but they weren't ready. It got to Thursday and we still hadn't been given the results. However, on Friday morning, Dr Brennan came to give us the results and told us the tumour is HARDLY THERE!!!!!!!!!

Compared to previous scans there is a HUGE difference!

Whilst I was having chemo, I filmed a 'Day In The Life Of Having Cancer' video for my YouTube channel. My Channel is called 'Sally Cancer'. Here is a link for my channel: Click Here
Please go like and subscribe!

Saturday 11 April 2020

Chemo Round 4

There was no doubt about not passing my blood test this time after my blood transfusion.

Due to the current situation, we have to have the curtains around the bed closed at all times and the nurses have to wear masks, gloves and aprons. Also, the hospital is on lockdown so only some people can go through the children's entrance and all staff have to go round to the other entrance.

Everyone on the ward got given an Easter Egg!

This week's chemo went okay and I didn't feel sick I even managed to do gymnastics in the garden the day after.

Friday 3 April 2020

Radiotherapy Mask

Today we went to The Christie, I had a blood test, a CT scan and a mask made for having Radiotherapy. When we were ready to go home my blood test results came back and my haemoglobin was 67 but should be 100! As it was so low I had to go to the Children's Hospital to have a blood transfusion.

When we got there I had another blood test and was told we would have to wait three hours to start the blood transfusion. Due to the current situation, we decided it would be best to go home and come back later so we would spend as little time as possible in the hospital. However, when we got home we only had 15 minutes and the nurse rang to say the blood was ready. We had a quick tea and went straight back. The blood transfusion started at 7.30pm and finished at 11.30pm.

The next day I already started to feel a lot better and less tired.

Monday 30 March 2020

Another Temperature!

On Thursday morning I woke up not feeling too good after waking up a few times in the night feeling really hot. We took my temperature and it was 38.2*c. We had an appointment at the Christie to discuss radiotherapy and I started to feel a bit better although my temperature was still high.

We decided it would be best to ring the hospital to see what to do. Dr. Brennan said she wanted me in. We had to go through A&E but got stopped at the door and had to wear a mask. We went straight through to Ward 75 in an isolation room. When the nurses came in they had to wear aprons and masks! We weren't allowed any visitors and neither myself or my Mum were allowed out of the room! My Dad decided to come to the window instead!

I had a blood test and was tested for Coronavirus! We weren't allowed to go up to Ward 84 like usual until my Coronavirus test came back within 24-48 hours.

Within 24 hours my blood test came back and I was neutropenic, my neutrophils were at 0.2 but should be at 1.5-7. But still no results back from the Corona swab.

36 hours after being tested (at 4am) the nurse came in and said we must leave the ward straight away for our own safety because the Coronvirus test had come back negative! What a relief!

We were in bed on Ward 84 by 5am. Also because my temperature had stayed down so I could go home that afternoon!

I also hit 8k followers on TikTok @sallycancer

Saturday 21 March 2020


In the hospital, on Tuesday we were told that anyone who is going through cancer treatment their siblings shouldn't be going to school. So Milly Didn't go to school on Wednesday but we still thought it was a bit silly to let Milly come near me after going to school and could have possibly picked something up. So we decided for Milly and Dad to live in the caravan for 7 days just in case. Mum and I stayed in the house as Mum has had to stop work.

The following Tuesday, they hadn't shown any symptoms and were feeling fine so they could come back into the house!

Chemo Round 3

We were first in outpatients this morning for a blood test to see if my bloods were high enough to start chemo. I had my height and weight done and I have put weight on! 
I passed my blood test and started chemo on Monday and finished on Friday. 
On Tuesday we were told we had self isolate for 12 weeks due to the coronavirus.

Monday 16 March 2020

MRI Scan

After every 2 chemo's I have an MRI scan to see if the chemo is working. I had it on the Saturday before starting chemo on Monday. We got the results on Monday and my Tumour has shrunk Significantly!!!

      After two chemo's                  Before chemo

Saturday 14 March 2020

Dance show!

At school, each year we do a dance show. We start rehearsals in September, so I had been to most of the rehearsals. I really wanted to do it but because of the Coronavirus, we weren't sure if it would be a good idea for me to be in the same room as a lot of other people. We emailed school and they suggested for me to be in a separate changing room with a couple friends.

I felt well enough so I ended up doing the show except I left the finale because it gets too crowded in the stage wings. I was in six dances! We had two dress rehearsals on Monday and Tuesday and a show on Wednesday and Thursday and two shows on Friday! I was very tired after all that!

We also fundraised for a charity called Milly's Smiles. Milly's Smiles is a cancer charity in memory of Milly who was treated at the same hospital as me but unfortunately lost her battle in 2015. Milly's family set up the charity and their aim is to provide every newly diagnosed child with a welcome bag containing everything they need for the first few days and weeks of their hospital stay. We ended up raising over £1,200 for them!

A special thank you to Philip Barren of Castus Solutions LTD for their very generous donation!

 Image result for milly's smiles welcome bag

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Week after 2nd chemo

Last time after finishing chemo on the Monday, I got a temperature/virus on the following Friday, because of this, I have had to start having GCSF injections to boost my bloods and make it less likely for me to pick up any infections. I've had them before but this time I have to have one every day for 12 days.

I was also planning on going to school the Monday after finishing my second round of chemo on the Friday but because of the Coronavirus, we decided it wasn't worth risking because I am very vulnerable to catch it.

Instead of going into school and getting an infection, we have been looking into getting a robot which can be controlled to walk around school and do a video call so I can control it from home and be in class but not actually be in school. 

We were going to look into fundraising for one but the school have order one!

Friday 28 February 2020

Chemo Round 2

As I only have to have chemo for about 3 hours a day, I have the choice of staying in hospital for 5 days to have it or drive to hospital every day for 5 days.

I chose to go to hospital every day for five days so on Monday we went to have a blood test to see if they were high enough to have the chemo, luckily they were.
Also, after losing 3kg after my first chemo I have managed to put that weight back on again. I always try to keep eating because if I lose too much weight and don't put it back on I will have to have a feeding tube, which I definitely DON'T want!

I had my chemo on Monday and Tuesday and on Tuesday afternoon the side effects had started kicking in. On Wednesday and Thursday, I felt very sick in the morning but on Friday I didn't feel too bad.

I also wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who is following me on TikTok because I now have over 7 thousand followers!
You can now also follow my journey on Instagram. My username on Instagram and TikTok is @sallycancer

Sunday 23 February 2020


We managed to get to Cornwall during the half-term holiday. I stayed well and didn't get another temperature. We went to Falmouth, St.Mawes, Truro, St.Ives, The Lizard and Kynance Cove. As I have a Port instead of a Hickman line I got to go swimming! We had an amazing week! Hopefully, the sea air will help me with my chemo next week.

Monday 17 February 2020


On Thursday, my hair started falling out. This is because chemo kills any fast-growing cells which is what the tumour is made up of. However, your hair is also made up of fast-growing cells therefore the chemo kills your hair making it fall out. Your nails are also fast-growing so sometimes they can go a bit bumpy.

Just like last time, my hair was really annoying me and by Friday I had decided I wanted to shave it off instead of trying to prolong it. On Saturday Milly shaved my head.

Monday 10 February 2020

Finally Home!

After the weekend in hospital, my blood results came back negative so I didn't have a line infection and my temperature had kept down so I could finally come home.
I now get two weeks, all being well, at home before I am back in hospital on the 24th for my next round of chemo.

I am feeling so much better and have a lot more energy. I wanted to go into school after not going for the past two weeks but we didn't want to risk picking up any more infections or viruses.

Instead, I had a good time at home getting some fresh air on a dog walk.

Sunday 9 February 2020

Mum's Birthday in Hospital!

Today is Mum's birthday and unfortunately we are having to spend it in hospital.

However, I am feeling a lot better today. I am not as tired so I can walk around more and my temperature has stayed down so I can hopefully come home tomorrow!

The ward that I am on has its own balcony so we were able to all get some fresh air.

For my Mum's birthday the nurse brought us cake! Mum said she had a lovely day.

Also if you have TikTok you can follow my journey using this link username is sally_cancer

Saturday 8 February 2020

Temperature and Line Infection

My first chemo finished on Monday and I went home Monday afternoon.

I have been at home feeling very tired due to the chemo and going out in my wheelchair for some fresh air to take the dog for a walk.

By Friday I was feeling extra tired and sick but also hot and cold at the same time!

My temperature was 38.9!   Any reading over 38 is a problem, I may have an infection in my port which can be very serious!

We contacted the hospital and they said bring me in for checks, so off to the hospital again!

Went to triage and bloods taken to check for infection, my temperature was still over 38

I was given antibiotics then taken by Stuart from ward 84 up to ward 83 where they had an isolation room for me, as I could have an infection and not want to give it to the other people having chemo on ward 84.

So here I am isolated on ward 83 (big room to my self)  I'm on fluids, paracetamol and antibiotics and my temperature is going down as it got up to 39.4 over night and this morning is 38.1

I am feeling better but not up to eating yet.

Monday 3 February 2020

Starting Chemo

Straight after my operation, I started my chemo.
It lasted for about 3 hours each day for five days. The side effects are very similar to last time such as sickness, tiredness, sore mouth and I am going to lose my hair again. (At least that will save me time in the morning!)

Because the chemo isn't constantly going in I can be un-plugged so I can go outside and get some fresh air when possible! This definitely helps the sickness!

Another operation!

In order to have chemo, I must have a central line. Last time I had a Hickman Line.
I couldn't go swimming or get wet because the line was likely to get infected.
This time I have got a Portacth which does the same job but is all enclosed so cannot get infected!

I had my operation on Thursday to have it put in but I was back on the ward in 1hr30mins.

Hickman Line:

Image result for hickman line"


Image result for Portacath line"

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Feeling better

Feeling better and not on a drip any more

So had a shower and been outside to the garden to get some fresh air!

This is the Garden that was on television!

Had Dominoes pizza for tea, thank you to the Teenage Cancer Trust for the pizza!!

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Back on ward 84

I'm back on Ward 84!

They have given me lots of morphine and I can now get up and move about!

They are keeping me in and I am having surgery on Thursday to have a PORT fitted so I can start my Chemo.