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Saturday, 20 June 2020

Chemo Round 7

I had four days to recover after finishing radiotherapy and then I started my seventh round of chemo.
I could not believe how tired I felt this week. In the hospital, I did lots of arts and crafts to keep my mind off it.

After this week I get two weeks off treatment so hopefully, I don't get a temperature and have to come to the hospital again. I can't wait!

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Ringing the radiotherapy bell!!!

Today was my last round of radiotherapy, I have had 25 rounds altogether.
So after I had finished I got to ring the bell. It was such a relief because it made my throat so sore and now it can eventually start healing.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Sore Throat

After six rounds of radiotherapy, I started getting a sore throat which was expected because of where my tumour is. I mentioned it at the hospital and the nurses gave me some gel mouthwashes, which seemed to help. By 15 rounds my throat was getting worse and I was struggling to just swallow water! I was given paracetamol and some oral morphine which helped with the pain but just made me sick after everything I ate! I struggled through it, trying to stay at home but eventually, I had to go to the hospital because I could no longer eat or drink anything and the pain was so bad!

At the hospital, I was put on a slow-release morphine drip which had an effect after about 30 minutes! I could actually eat my tea! Milly made tea, brought it to the hospital for us and had tea outside my window!

On Monday morning I had my usual 10am appointment at The Christie for radiotherapy but because of the drip stand the morphine was on we couldn't just go in the car. Instead, we went in a transport ambulance with a nurse to look after my stand. I have a blood test every Monday and Thursday. When the results came back, my blood was low so I had a blood transfusion overnight.

On Tuesday morning we did the same. However, on Tuesday evening, they took the morphine down and gave me an oral, 12-hour painkiller called Oxycodone. Which made it easier to do my online dance classes! 

By Wednesday morning, my pain hadn't got any worse but I needed another blood transfusion. Once it was finished, I was able to go home Wednesday evening! 

I was back just in time to do my online tap class!