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Saturday, 23 May 2020

Chemo Round 6

Today I started what should have been my last chemo. However, because I have to wait 6 weeks after radiotherapy before I can have a scan I have to have this round of chemo plus two more rounds as well because after I've had 8 rounds it will have been six weeks so I can have a scan. The scan will determine where we are up to and whether I need any more chemo or not.

This week has been a very busy week because I have had chemo and radiotherapy every day.
On Monday morning we went to the Christie where I had a blood test to see if my bloods are high enough to have chemo (luckily they were) and then I had my radiotherapy. We then had to go to the children's hospital to see Dr Brennan and have my chemo.
We did this every day
 and by Friday we were all so glad it was over!

Thursday, 7 May 2020

First Day Of Radiotherapy

Today I started radiotherapy at the Christie. I am having it every day, except weekends, for 5 weeks. So overall I will have 25 rounds.
I had to lie on the bed for about 15 minutes whilst they did the it.
Afterwards, I had a blood test and I will be having a blood test every Thursday and a meeting with the doctor.
When we got home we got a phone call saying that we need to come back to the childrens hospital because my bloods were low and I need a blood transfusion.
Six hours later, it is now 9pm, and I am still in the hospital and due to finish in about 10 minutes. Then I'll be able to go home!!

Friday, 1 May 2020

Chemo Round 5

We weren't sure if I was going to pass my blood test this time because on Sunday I was very tired and didn't feel well. We had to ring the ward. Maybe I needed a blood transfusion? We decided I'll be alright and see how it goes tomorrow.

Monday morning came and I passed my blood test! Chemo went fine and I hardly had any side-effects. 

On the Saturday before chemo, I had an MRI scan to see if there was any further shrinkage. We hoped to get the results on Monday but they weren't ready. It got to Thursday and we still hadn't been given the results. However, on Friday morning, Dr Brennan came to give us the results and told us the tumour is HARDLY THERE!!!!!!!!!

Compared to previous scans there is a HUGE difference!

Whilst I was having chemo, I filmed a 'Day In The Life Of Having Cancer' video for my YouTube channel. My Channel is called 'Sally Cancer'. Here is a link for my channel: Click Here
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