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Monday, 20 August 2018

Chemo round 7 ...

The Sunday before chemo we all travelled back from Cornwall. On Monday morning we went to the hospital and Dad went to work. Luckily, I passed my blood test so my second to last chemo could start!!!

 Nanny and Grandad came to visiit me on Monday night.

 I always like it when I get a bed next to the window because I like to be able to see what is going on outside.

I manage to keep eating during my chemo...

Thursday, 2 August 2018

From Ward 84 to Pitch 84...

After finishing chemo on Tuesday, we spent Wednesday packing (& shaving my head) & on Thursday we went to our usual holiday destination, Cornwall. I have been to Cornwall every year of my life and Cancer wasn't going to stop me this year!

When we got to the campsite we realised that we had booked Pitch 84.

Ward 84 for chemo on Monday, Pitch 84 for a holiday on Thursday!

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Shaving my head for the second time...

Since the Sunday before chemo, my hair started falling out. By Wednesday it was really annoying me (again). So I decided to shave it off (again).