Thursday 9th
I was sick in hospital on Thursday night but didn't tell the nurses because we just wanted to get Home! Daddy found a wheelchair in the carpark- trust him to do something like that! It is coming in very handy though, as one of the side effects is feeling dizzy and light headed when I stand up! I just can't believe how many annoying side effects there are!
We got home at 10pm & I went straight to bed.
Friday 10th
In the morning I still didn't feel great and still felt sick. I spent the day on the sofa and tried to have some pasta and milk but seconds after swallowing it I was sick. But at least I tried to have something! I was sick twice on Friday and could barely keep my eyes open so in the evening when mum was at work I had I little sleep which made me feel a bit better. Then I got my confidence up to try and have some more milk and I wasn't sick!!!!!!! Then went straight up to bed!
Saturday 11th
This morning I decided that I wanted some more milk and I wasn't sick! I had to go to Nan's house while mum was at work and dad had to take Milly training at Manchester's Aquatics Centre near my hospital!
When we got home I got my confidence up to try some more pasta and it stayed down!!!!!!!!
In the evening, Milly and I had a nail painting session as I got a nail art kit present - thank you!
For tea I had a few chips, pork steak and unfortunately peas, which I just ate because I knew my mum wouldn't let me get away with it!
Then straight to bed!